These dots are not precise tiny circles but irregular small blotches and ovoid bits. Together they produce the effect of linear vertical or radial array.  The paintings portray a higher order from unapparent micro randomness. The colors have different psychological effect with environmental associations. Bibel finds cosmic implications, hence the titles.

Debra Jan Bibel

An Exploration, An Evolution


The Dots Series



Shariputra is a bodhisatva, a student of the Buddha, and protagonist of the Heart Sutra, which is recited daily by all Buddhist orders and sects. Although concise, the scripture encompasses the noetic essence of the teachings and practices.

Shariputra’s Dream #1 (2003),
36 × 36 in.

Shariputra’s Dream #2 (2003),
36 × 36 in.

Shariputra’s Dream #3 (2003),
36 × 36 in.

Shariptura’s Dream #4 (2004), 36 × 36 in. * Shariputra’s Dream #5 (2005), 36× 24 in.


 Paradox (2005), 48 × 24 in. *   


Colored Rain (2007), 36 × 12 in. *

*  Sold        × Personal Collection

City SynthesisSquare/RectangleStripes
Circle & LineDotsSwirl & Curve

HOMEContactTitle-Price Index


All images are copyright by Debra Jan Bibel.  Permission for use in electronic media or for printed reproduction is required. 
Links to this website are permitted only if artist identification is included in direct view, not just within source code.


Last revision: May 15, 2010